måndag 12 november 2012

Faktabok om skepp


Orsak och konsekvens i läsningen


Fortsättning med Vanten tema

mittenstuff6Lägg i bokstäver i vanten och bilda nya ord

Läsförståelse från¨The first grade teacher


Läsförståelse bilder

Läsjournal - börja meningar och folder

Reader’s Response Sentence Starters
  • I think that (fill in character) is ….
  • I wish that ….
  • I don’t agree that ….
  • When I read this, it made me feel ….
  • I like the way the author used the word/phrase/sentence ….
  • It was funny when ….
  • This reminded me of ….
  • I like ….
  • This story should….
  • I predict that ….
  • I think the author is trying to teach me ….
  • I wonder why ….
  • The setting looks like this ….(sketch)
  • The conflict is ….

reading response prompts minioffice cover
    reading response prompts minioffice open upright

Skriv mål!

Self-Awareness & Assessment of Personal Writing Goals & Individual Learning Targets
Från bloggen Clutter free classroom!

Teknik Marshmallow katapult

  1. Expand the opening of the tissue box by cutting off the sections shown.
  2. Punch a hole 2 inches from one end and 1/2 inch down from the opening of the box. Enlarge the hole with the ballpoint pen. Make a matching hole on the opposite side of the box.
  3. In the center of the far end of the box, poke a hole with the pushpin 1/4 inch up from the bottom. Enlarge the hole slightly with the ballpoint pen.
  4. Snip one rubber band to create a strip. Use the strip to wrap and tie the pencils into a cross, as shown. Loop the other band around the 2-inch pencil section as shown, and tighten.
  5. Insert the pencil cross into the box holes. Fold the pipe cleaner around the rubber band loop and poke both ends through the hole near the base. Spread open the pipe cleaner ends and tape them to the outside of the box. Attach a plastic cap to the end of the pencil with a couple of glue dots.
    To use your catapult, pull the capped pencil back, load it with a marshmallow, and let go! (To be safe, do not launch any hard or sharp items.)

Början - mitt- slut Att återberätta!


We read Henny Penny this week and together we put post-its on the charts to retell the story. And, I used the gradual release model to practice. I retold the story by myself, we retold it together, they retold it in groups with character cards they created themselves, they retold it to a partner and then I had them write it. We did all this over the course of two days. It took a while.

"Flip flop book" Kul idé att skriva händelseförloppet i en bok. Vik upp varje flik och skriv en sammanfattning.

Att skriva om den goda karaktären och den onda!

Här en tidslinje text. (T.ex. skriv om att tappa sin första tand och därefter skriv rent.)

Forska om andra forskare och kända personer

Inspirations plansch till vänster och hitta på en egen uppfinning och skriv om den.


Daily 5 översikt


Summera en bok

Gör ett bokmärke med kom ihåg ord! Barnen skriver brev till läraren om boken och använder sig av orden.

Daily 5 - intresssant pedagogik om olika lässtrategier

Daily 5 är en pedagogik som grundar sig på en bok med samma namn. Det går att googla på..Jag har kopierat en bloggs sammanfattning om hur hon börjat med detta. Du kan läsa länken så kanske du förstår mer.
Samma sak för CAFE som också grundar sig på en bok med samma namn. Intressant pedagog
En annan bok jag vill läsa är:

Lesson Elements:
1. Identify what is to be taught
2. Teach the strategy and keep it short
3. Students practice with partners
4. Have student make strategy card
5. Review the strategy
6. Encourage practice during independent reading times
7. Post strategy after independent practice
8. Continue to connect new strategies to others on CAFE board

Teach skills in any sequence
Keep lessons short
Review and revisit frequently
Continue to work on skills for mastery
The structure and format is very similar to individual conferences
Children are grouped on Goals and Strategies not reading levels
Children bring their independent reading books which allows for a flexible group
Goal: Comprehension
  • Check for Understanding- Have student read small sections and retell. Model how to back up and reread if they don't remember. Set up conference to check back with student.
  • Check for Understanding with an advanced reader- Have student read a page and then answer "Who and What" at the end of each page. Have student practice and set up another conference.
Goal: Accuracy
  • Flip the sound- Model reading a word that does not make sense in a sentence. Read the word by flipping sounds until the word makes sense. ex. Long o and short o. Have student practice.
Goal: Comprehension
  • Summarize- Advanced readers may have this goal once they have command over retell the story and check for understanding. They may work on this goal for an extended period of time. Students need to practice giving a summary orally or in writing.
Goal: Accuracy
  • Cross Checking- Have child read and when they get stuck on a word practice cross-checking. "Do the pictures and/or words look right? Do they sound right? Do they make sense?" There is a kinesthetic arm motion for younger children.
Goal- Fluency
  • Reread the text- Model with a student who is reading a chapter book that is a little challenging. Have them pick out a paragraph and reread many times until it is smooth, accurate and expressive. Have child practice this strategy every day and mark the paragraph with a sticky note. Set up another conference.
Goal- Expanding Vocabulary
  • Tune In to Interesting Words- Model with advanced reader how to collect new and interesting words. There is a personal word collector in the appendix. I have used sticky notes that get added to a class list, bookmarks, lists in writing journals, etc. Set up a conference to discuss the new words collected and how to get meanings.
Day1: First Read Aloud
Choose book and model "Check for Understanding"
Introduce CAFE board and add the strategy card
I use check marks for the kids to practice. I have a set of fiction and nonfiction. Click below for post.

Dots and Spots
Second Read Aloud
Read a book and model check for understanding
Pick and model a new strategy, they suggest "Cross Checking" (I did this with fourth graders last year and felt that the motions were too young for them)

Third Read Aloud
Read a book and model "Tune In to Interesting Words"
I had them collect words on a book mark. This year we are going to have a calendar to collect words.

Day 2:
Review CAFE skills.
Read aloud a book and model "Back Up and Reread"

Day 3:
Continue introducing, modeling strategies and skills as needed. My fourth graders moved at a quick pace. I could introduce a few skills every day.

From Whole to Individual Conferences
Step 1: Assess with DRA's, IRI's, Running Records, Reading Inventory, Dibels, Etc.
Step 2: Discuss finding with students
Step 3: Set Goals and Identify Strategy
Step 4: Student declares goal on their menu and highlights sheet. Student put sticky note on CAFE board.
Step 5: Teacher fills out Conference Form in the Pensieve. (I use the app Confer)
Step 6: Teacher fills out Group Strategy form and plans lesson
Step 7: Small group instruction based on needs

Chapter 4: Conferring with Children

Step 1: Check calendar for appointments and keep track on sheet
Step 2: Prepare for conference by scanning notes while walking to child
Step 3: Observe child, listen to their reading and see if they apply strategies
Step 4: Give feedback and help child move forward as a reader. Keep the conference short.
Step 5: Observe the child practice the new strategy
Step 6: Plan whether the child needs more practice or is ready to move on. Set up next conference.
Step 7: Encourage the children to continue working hard and give them the sense of responsibility and sense of ownership of their learning.

What happens during a strategy group?
  • Students come to the group and begin reading a book from their book box aloud quietly. As the students are reading, the teacher is listening to find out if they are using the strategy about to be introduced during that meeting.
  • The teacher verbally reinforce the group's goal.
  • The teacher models the strategy for the students.
  • The students practice the strategy with their independent books while teacher listens and coaches.
  • Review the strategy as a group.
  • Decide if students need to practice individually or with partners.
  • Plan the next meeting.

Daily 5 Checkmark

Pinned Image

Pinned Image

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freebie printables for Read to Someone
Pinned Image

Skriv maraton - både fakta och berättelse

Skriv på A3 papper. Sex rutor att skriva i. Gör en ruta och skicka runt till nästa person.

Round 1- Make a new cover for your book, including title and author. (10 minutes)
Round 2- Read for 10 minutes
Round 3- Choose your favorite character draw and label. Write three important details about the character.
Round 4- Read for 10 minutes
Round 5- Write a quick summary of your book. (We used the somebody, wanted, but, so, then organizer)
Round 6- Read for 10 minutes
Round 7- Draw a visualization from the book.
Round 8- Read for 10 minutes
Round 9- Write 3 questions about your book. (we used "I wonder" statements too)
Round 10- Read for 10 minutes

Round 11- Write a connection or the theme or both.

Christopher Columbus


Klistra upp världsdelarna som en världskarta på blått papper och klistra fast upp och nedvända äggkartonger och en tändsticka med pappersbit som mast.

söndag 11 november 2012

Kompis klocka

Varje barn har ett tomt blad. På varje klockslag ska det stå någons namn. När läraren t.ex. säger kl två så ska de barn som båda har sitt namn på  det klockslaget arbeta tillsammans.

första skoldagen t-shirt



Arbetsblad första skoldagen efter sommarlovet

första skoldagen.. gå runt och gör konsensus diagram

Gå runt och sätt en prick på det du tycker stämmer med dig.
Läs bok om att säga snälla saker.
Arbeta två och två  och kläm ut alla tandkräm. Försök få tillbaka all tandkräm i tuben. Det är som med eleka ord. De är svåra att få tillbaka.http://gingersnapstreatsforteachers.blogspot.se/2012_08_01_archive.html

Venn diagram från bok


Läs bok som handlar om olikheter och likheter och exempelvis mobbning.

Låt barnen göra ett Venn diagram - jämför sig själv med en klasskompis. Klipp ut bilder.


Skriv i rutorna: Min födelsedags månad, favoritmat,  min favoritsemester, hur jag kommer till skolan, favorit hobby,  favorit djur, sport,